I've been tagged by ariessen..ish panjang betol
10 Favs
Favourite Colour
Favourite Food
nasi lemak(the traditional one, bungkus with daun pisang)
Favourite Song
Don't Speak by No Doubt
Favourite Movie
Pretty Woman
Favourite Sport
Favourite Day of the Week
Thursday, its the day b4 friday and its the Afdal day...
Favourite Ice Cream Flavour
chocolate, chocolate, chocolate
Favourite Car Model
it has to be the 4 wheel drive lexus..lupalah the model name
Favourite Subject in School
Biology esp human reproduction
Favourite Snacks
oh, you know the nutella in small packs? i will lick dat with the spoon
9 Current
Current Mood
quite good after our sharing session wit the OM
Current Taste
hmmm..tink my chicken wing
Current Clothes
my evergreen blue baju kurung, been wearing it for the past 3 years
Current Desktop
d gambar of the chdn at the time travellers in their kuda kepang costume
Current Toenail Colour
no colour dah..mcm mane nak pakai...kan kena solat
Current Time
Current Surroundings
at skool wit the chdns voices in the background
Current Annoyance(s)
my feeling nak terkencing...will go aftr doing this
Current Thoughts
how to spend my hsbnd's cuming bonus
8 First(s)
First Best Friend
Norliza my RGPS skoolmate, always go skool and home 2gether..still c her nw, but after we went different sec skool, we parted ways
First Crush
Redwan, my neybor stayng at 2nd floor
First Movie
First Piercing
when i was 4 or 5 at a shop at Holland Village Shopping Centre
First Lie
when i was in primary one, it was fasting mth, i ate during recess but at home i told my mum i was still fasting
First Music
My late father's, Black Dog Bone albums
First Car
eh! kita takde takde lesen and tak mampu
First Real Date Venue
Metro Paragon
7 Last(s)
Last Drink
HL chocolate flavoured milk
Last Car Ride
naik kereta aries from JP to my hse
Last Movie
bujang senang
Last Phone Call
to my hsbnd telling him abt the miscalculated date of his nephew's engagement
Last Song Played
Dat song from Mariah Carey from her latest album lah, cant remember the title
Last Food Ate
tuna mayonaise sandwich
Last Thing I do before I go to sleep
kiss danish goodnite
6 Have You Ever(s)
Have you ever dated one of your best friends
my best frens are all gals...of coz never!
Have you ever broken the law
yes, bot chewing gum frm JB
Have you ever been arrested
detained at the customs ofc becoz of the above
Have you ever skinned dipped
Have you ever been on TV
yes dat Ratu Pesta contest
Have you ever kissed someone you didn't know
yes dis senior frm TP
5 Things You Are Wearing
casio watch, baju kurung, gold ring given by mum in law, undies, tudung
4 Things You've Done Today
send danish to skool
went mum's place
went to work
taught chdn on parts of the plants
3 Things You Can Hear Right Now
my noisy chdn
noisy chdn in the next class
my stomach growling for food
2 Things You Can't Live Without
1 Thing You Do When You Are Bored
ok aries...hope you got evryting!