Tuesday, March 06, 2007

the one wit apple cider vinegar

guess u all hv heard of this miracle pills...dunno if it wrks or not lah...but my sis in law lost 10kgs wow! tot of tryg it but dat GNC lady was sayg btr not klu nak conceive..so put all aside...sori tini hv to exercise to lose all those sooooooo much FAT.
now talking abt this, sumone at work is eatg dis....goodness gracious! her mood!..i've read sumwhr or was it the doctor who told me..that taking diet pills tend to agitate you...eh kesian kan? agaknya tak dpt makan, so jadi gitu tak....
so dis sumone is so 'ngiau' dat kita kat keja semua tak kena, ini salah, itu salah, den must do dis, must chge dat,once she step into our class ade ajelah yang hv to chge...
like aries said, dah mcm 'lempuk'(our ex sup) pulak! n we cant wait for her not to be in the ctr..ishishish...sampai gitu sekali...den kan, she wil hang around another cls n be paly paly wit sumone else, sengaje nak buat kita jealous lah agaknya, den on another occasion-while witg for bus, mcm tak nampak kita...aik! mcm pernah cerita eh? halo! its veri funny lah, nanti klu kita tanya mesti dia ckp takde ape2 lah...
poor me soon my buddy will be goin on her loooooooooooooooooooooooong leave...kesian member terpaksa tahan...eh lama tau...84 hari....
dah ok itu aje nanti klu angin dia berubah..kita story lagi

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